Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Personally, I'm still not into the whole blogging thing so I'm really not that crazy about micro-blogging. I suppose in a library setting it would be useful to quickly & easily let people know about events, new releases, etc. Maybe I'll start to feel better about it with time.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I think LibraryThing has potential to be a good resource for librarians and patrons. My library is already a member and adds our new books to it each month. I don't know if I will be able to keep up adding my books to it but I like how you can connect with other people who read they same books you do and get recommendations. My catalog is at


Technology is wonderful…when it works. Honestly, I like technology. Even when it’s not working like I think it should, I don’t complain too much. I can’t imagine having to type papers in college on a manual typewriter or managing circulation in a library without programs by Follett or SirsiDynix. I like knowing that if I’m ever stranded on the side of a road I can get out my cell phone and call for help. It’s great to be able to email with a second cousin twice removed who lives in Sweden. However, I can’t always keep up with how fast things change. That’s why I am taking Nebraska Learns 2.0.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Image Generators

There are a lot of fun image generators out there. My favorite was at where you can make your own movie posters. I also found out what my name would be if I were Sarah Palin's daughter (Chop Meth Palin) and had "Merry Christmas" translated into parseltongue.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

More Flickr

I can't believe how many 3rd party tools there are. A lot of them look like fun but none of the ones I looked at would have practical library applications.


With the holidays fast approaching I thought this image of the park in my hometown would be appropriate for completing the Thing #8 assignment.

Finding Feeds

I've finally completed Thing #7. It took me longer than I thought it would. I tried each of the search tools and I just wasn't that impressed. I couldn't get Technorati to display and the other search tools had too many feeds & blogs for me to sort through. In the end, I just went to my favorite websites to subscribe.

RSS and Newsreaders

This is great! All the information I want in one stop! The time I can spend on the Internet each day is limited so I really like Thing #6. I can see how it has been described as addictive.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Instant Messaging

I'd forgotten how much fun it can be. It definitely tested my typing abilities. In some circumstances I can see the advantages of being able to communicate with someone instantly via the web but I just don't like being tied down to a computer whether I'm at work or at home.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

New to blogging

Okay. I've never done anything like this before so this class will definitely help me with Habit #5 -- Use technology to your advantage. I'm good at Habit #7 1/2 so these next few should be fun.